I want to take this time to thank all of our active and retired members, associates, auxiliary, and families for the continuous support you provide our Enlisted Association New Mexico Army and Air National Guard. The Officers, committee members, and auxiliary of your association had a successful EANGUS National Conference in Charleston, West Virginia 11-16 August 2018. A lot of information was obtained and as soon as our secretary combines all of the data we will disseminate to all.
A big take away from the conference is that New Mexico will host the 2021 EANGUS National Conference in Albuquerque, NM (Albuquerque Convention Center). Our great team led by our vice president SMSgt Dan Robson prepared and submitted a detailed bid packet to the national office and with the support from our attending officers, committee, auxiliary, and professional development team we were able to campaign and secure the vote over other states at the EANGUS national conference Time and Place committee.
Good things are happening within your association, Junior Enlisted Council (JEC) led by the new president SSG Eli Castellano and vice president SSG Jon Lopez. I just recently attended a Battle Hand Off ceremony with the NMARNG Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) led by SSG Jon Lopez where he was able to obtain 5 new EANMNG members returning from Advanced Individual Training (AIT).
As your president I want to assure you that the officers, committee chairs, and auxiliary work for the soldiers, airmen, and families of your association but I cannot stress the importance in active membership whether it be annual or life time. We are currently working a lot of initiatives to better support our soldiers, airmen, and their families so I challenge all of you to become an active member and help your EANMNG team!
Willy Griego
EANMNG President
– Legislative Update:
* The Adjutant General MG Kenneth Nava will be hosting a TAGS Legislative Engagement on 26 September 2018.
Below is a recap of our 2019 Legislative goals.
* Personnel State income tax exemption for Active Duty retires
* Personnel State income tax exemption for State Active duty pay
* Half price admissions to NM State Parks
* Waiver of State Licensing Fees for our Medics
As an association it is imperative we get out and vote this coming election. Please visit the candidates for Governor Websites and educate yourself on the issues and priorities that involve our soldiers, airmen, veterans, and families of this great State.
– (Recap) 2019 State Annual Conference: We have locked in next year’s Joint conference 26-27 April 2019. The conference location will be at the Santa Ana Casino/Motel located in Bernalillo, NM. Host unit is 111th SB and will attempt to hold our next EC meeting during the week of 17-21 September during the Strategic Leaders Meeting in Albuquerque.
“A new add on during next year’s conference is MOAA Military Officers Association of America supporting and joining the efforts of NGAUS and EANMNG.”
– The Junior enlisted Counsel (JEC): The Junior Enlisted Counsel will be hosting their 1st Annual Kickball Tournament on 06 October 2018 (Refer to attached flyer). Please spread the word and come join the fun!
– Membership: Need everyone’s support in increasing our membership within our association. Please visit: eanmng.org and see what we are all about.
– Raffle: The seventh (7th) and last early bird raffle drawing held for the month of August 2018: Custom Savage .308 Sub-MOA Target rifle valued at $2000.00 was won by MSgt Strong (ANG). If you have any additional money for the tickets sold that has not been turned in please contact SMSgt Daniel Robson on the Air side and myself for the Army side and we will make arrangements to collect. Thanks to all who supported and helped with the ticket sales.
– EANMNG Officers / Committee personnel attended the EANGUS National Conference 11-16 August 2018 in Charleston, WV. It was a very successful conference and our team did a great job representing New Mexico. A lot of good information was obtained and as soon as our secretary gets all of the data we will push out the information. Our big take away from the National Conference is that EANMNG New Mexico won the bid to host the 2021 EANGUS National Conference in Albuquerque 31 July thru 05 August 2021. Kuddos to our team at the 2018 national conference who campaigned diligently to achieve the votes needed.
– Our association will look at conducting our next EC meeting during the week of 17-21 September 2018. More to follow!
– The EANGUS National Executive Council will be conducting their next quarterly meeting in Albuquerque, NM 15-18 November 2018 at the Downtown Double Tree Hotel.
– Please refer to the EANGUS Drill Talking Points for September 2018. (See Attached)
– If you are not aware Tricare Dental/Vision will be going away for retirees at the end of this year 2018.
– Visit the National Website: eangus.org for national updates and information as to what our national team is doing for all of our soldiers, airmen, and families.