I would like to take this time and thank all our current members of the Enlisted Association New Mexico National Guard, Junior Enlisted Council, Spouses Auxiliary, Associates, and families. I am proud to say that your association is doing some great things to promote our mission and enhance the quality of life for our soldiers, airmen, and their families. Membership is on the rise with 548 active members with special thanks to the 642nd SMC NMARNG led by 1SG Eugene Martinez who obtained 55 new members within the last 30 days, 10 of those lifetime members.
Your legislative team led by CSM (R) Rudy Checkley and MSG Martin Gallegos are continuing to work diligently fighting the legislative efforts affecting our NM military veterans. They have teamed up with other outside nonprofit military entities striving for the benefits our veterans deserve. CSM (R) Checkley and I attended the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) quarterly meeting held today 26 August 2019 at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial on Louisiana and Gibson SE. At today’s meeting we had the pleasure of listening to MG Kenneth Nava The Adjutant General NMNG providing us a short synopsis of the current mission of the NMNG.
Spouses Auxiliary – Your auxiliary team continues to support the efforts of the EANMNG and have been an asset in promoting our mission by providing fund raising events at the readiness centers spreading the word on the great work our members are doing.
As your association moves forward please put the following dates on your calendar:
4 September 2019 – Executive Council Meeting – Range Café, 925 S Camino Del Pueblo, Bernalillo, NM 87004 at 1800.
28 September 2019 – EANMNG Fundraiser- Cornhole Tournament, 2126 Matthew NW, 87104 at 0900.
16 November 2019 – New Mexico National Guard Military Ball / Hall of Honor located at the Downtown Hyatt Regency Hotel, visit eanmng.org / events tab to register and obtain further information.
24-26 April 2020 – EANMNG State Annual Conference located in Albuquerque, NM location (TBD)
07-12 August 2021 – EANGUS National Conference hosted by EANMNG located at the Albuquerque Convention Center supported by Hyatt Regency Downtown, Double Tree by Hilton, Hotel Andeluz, and Embassy Suites.
On a sad note we have recently lost a few of our NMNG brothers and sisters. BG (R) Paul Pena passed away on August 8th, 2019, 1SG (R) Gerald “Jerry” Serna passed away on August 10th, 2019, and MSG (R) Mary “Theresa” Victor (Past EANMNG President) passed away on August 18th, 2019. Please take time to keep the families in your thoughts and prayers.
Military honors for BG Pena and 1SG Serna have passed. Full military honors will be held for MSG (R) Mary “Theresa” Victor on September 4th, 2019 at 1330 hrs. at the Santa Fe National cemetery.
As your EANMNG president, we can’t accomplish our mission without the support of our current elected officials, voluntary membership chairs, executive council, Junior Enlisted Council, and Auxiliary. I want to personally thank all our members for the support in making our association a professional organization.
Willy Griego
EANMNG, President