EANGUS Members,

The following link will take you to the DRAFT resolutions report for the upcoming EANGUS 2015 National Conference in Indianapolis.


The report is divided into 3 sections.

1. The proposed 2015 EANGUS resolutions – These are the resolutions that have been submitted to the Resolutions Committee for consideration. These resolutions will be discussed, debated and then given a recommendation of “Recommend for Acceptance” or “Not Recommended for Acceptance” by the committee. Then the recommended resolutions will be presented to the General Assembly for acceptance. These are just proposed and have not been approved by the Association yet. Resolutions can still be accepted and considered, up until the final committee meeting in Indianapolis, however, any proposed resolutions moving forward may not be adequately researched and developed. (Because of us still being able to accept proposals, there is a place holder for future resolutions on page 22.)

2. 2013 Resolutions that are being considered for Reaffirmation – Starting on page 25 of the report, you will find a list of all of the 2013 Resolutions. These resolutions will expire this year. The Resolutions committee will take a look at each of these resolutions set to expire to determine if they are still valid or supported by our Association. Those resolutions considered to still be of importance will be listed and then the General Assembly will be asked to Reaffirm those resolutions and extend them for 1 more year before expiration.

3. 2014 Standing Resolutions – Starting on page 48 of the report, you will find a list of the 2014 Resolutions and a status of each (if we have one). These resolutions are still good for one more year or until accomplished.

Reply to this email with any questions, comments, updates, or additions.

Jeff Frisby
EANGUS Resolutions Chairman
Committee on Resolutions

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